Gym Consulting


Owning a gym is your dream.

You’ve considered it, started the process, but aren’t sure that you can make it profitable. 

Jumpstart was founded on one fundamental question. How can potential and new gyms structure things efficiently while still providing value, ensuring that profitability happens sooner?

We Get Your Business Fit


Level 1

3+ months of coaching that covers:

  • Initial business startup consultation

  • Branding, marketing, and unique community building

  • Networking to create advantageous partnerships

Starting at $300 per month


Level 2

6+ months of coaching that covers:

  • Initial business startup consultation

  • Branding, marketing, and unique community building

  • Networking to create advantageous partnerships

  • 1 in-person session for leadership development, marketing

  • HR + initial payroll startup consultation

Starting at $250 per month


Level 3

10+ months of coaching that covers:

  • Initial business startup consultation

  • Branding, marketing, and unique community building

  • Networking to create advantageous partnerships

  • HR + initial payroll startup consultation

  • 2 in-person session for leadership development, marketing

  • Alternative revenue consultation

Starting at $185 per month

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 The Process

Free Consult

We’ll jump on a complimentary 15-minute phone call to discuss your business needs, our services, and how the two might align.


We’ll evaluate your gym and business plan to find spots where we can make the biggest impact and quickly create profitability. 


Depending on your chosen plan, we will be available via email, call, and/or text to coach you through decisions, advise on processes, and offer suggestions and first-hand experience on all things gym operations.

Staying Connected

Once you hit profitability, we’ll celebrate! But our partnership is only getting started. We’re in this for the long haul. You’ll be on our list to cheer on online and visit for awesome sweaty workouts, so we can see your gym grow and flourish!

We believe every gym can be, and should be unique.

Some people don't like a gym where the owner is "in your face", or "competitive to a fault", or "laid back"... whatever one client doesn't like, 2 other potential clients may LOVE. 

It is just a matter of finding the right clients to fit with the personality of the gym, and its owner. We want to help owners find and develop what makes their gym unique.

We empower gym owners and operators to uncover their personality, attract their ideal clients, and achieve the gym and community of their dreams.

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offer cookie-cutter advice or send clients to pre-recorded videos. 


We DO 

Personalize your experience. 


We’ve taken the time to learn from the successes and failures of group-class gyms around the U.S. so that we can pass the knowledge on to you. We personalize our consultations to fulfill your vision.

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